Megan Hassel, CSR, RPR

I grew up in West Des Moines and graduated from AIB’s court reporting program in 2004, after previous years of college...and fun.  Upon graduation from court reporting school, my husband and I moved to Alexandria, Virginia, in order to allow me to begin my court reporting career with ACE Federal Court Reporters in Washington, D.C.  I will be forever grateful and thankful to the reporters at this firm, all of whom were AIB graduates and Iowa natives.  The support I received was second to none.

In 2005 I began working for the 5th Judicial District in Associate Court in Polk County.  In looking back at this period of time, I can’t help but yet again thank the judges and support staff for such a wonderful, fun, and meaningful work experience. 

From 2009 to 2011 I worked for Thomas and Thomas Reporters out of Omaha, Nebraska, thanks to a friend from reporting school calling me up and asking me to join.  Freelance reporting during this time allowed me to spend more time with my son, whom was born in April of 2009, and continue reporting.  As most of us know, this was a period of time some of us questioned whether or not reporting was going to be in our future, and because of Thomas and Thomas I was allowed to continue on my reporting path.

Thus brings us to 2011 to the present time.  In 2011 I began working for the Honorable Steven Van Marel and the Honorable James Malloy in Associate Court in Story County.  To say that my life got better just by working with these two individuals is an understatement.  I have laughed every day at work since 2011.  Who doesn’t want to say that?  Then in June 2022 I made the decision to join the Honorable Jennifer Miller in District Court in the 2nd Judicial District.  What a joy!  She is exactly what I needed in my journey right now, and I look forward to many more wonderful years to come. 

My reporting career has allowed me to meet wonderful, supportive, professional people.  I don’t think any other career would have given me as many gifts as court reporting has.  I love this career.  I really do.  I look forward to serving all of us in my capacity on this board.  I decided it was about time to step up and give back to a profession that has given me so much.

When not working, I love to read, play golf, and spend time with my husband Ryan and our 13-year-old son Luke.  It wouldn’t be right if I didn’t also mention our dogs Leo and Myrtle, affectionately referred to as our son’s brother and sister.

Megan Hassel

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